Everyone knows Lenny Wolf and Kingdom Come, but before that little adventure there were two albums by Stone Fury put together by Wolf and Bruce Gowdy. This album was received really well and the single, Break Down The Wall, did relatively well on the charts. Another album, Let Them Talk, was released and disappeared without trace.
It’s pretty standard melodic hard rock territory that the band tread, but there are some really good stand out tracks. I Hate To Sleep Alone, which has a killer riff and groove, is high on my list, Don’t Tell Me Why, with its Foreigner Hot Blooded riff would have made a good single, and Tease, which is probably the stand out track on the album as they try to do something a little different which I really like (the riff isn’t too shabby either). As you may know by reading lots of my ramblings, I am a sucker for a riff, and Hold It isn’t anything special, but I really love the riff.
After the failure of said second album, Mr. Wolf high tailed it back to Germany and would reappear in ’87 with Kingdom Come.
8/10 from The Grooveman.