While searching around for info about these guys I came across a quote that said, “too punk for rock and too rock for punk,” and I think that just about sums them up.
Definitely leaning on the sleazy side of the street musically, although the image is more barfly, they have this knack to write very catchy power pop anthems. They only made two albums, of which this is the second that came out in ’92 and it was too late to make much of an impact with all the attention zeroing in on Seattle. Nevertheless, this is a high grade sleazy rock ‘n roll funorama rammed full of great songs and grooves that has flown under nearly everyone’s radar.
These guys blow bands like Faster Pussycat totally out of the water. So many killer songs you wonder what the hell happened. You can pick any from Fly Boy, Science Fiction Boy, The Love Drag Years, Diggy Dragster, or Treasure Or Trash and they are all bangers and worthy songs. But the favourite tune award goes to the totally sleazeball track, Baby Shoulda Known. Killer fast riff and groove with a matching dirtbag lyric that is just such a fun tune.
Great album that just puts a smile on your face, and these guys can play.
9/10 from The Grooveman.