Month: May 2021 (Page 7 of 15)

RACER X – Street Lethal

This album is all about Paul Gilbert. Yes I know this album rocks hard, but right from the opening solo of Frenzy, its widdly-see-widdly-da all the way through. Formed in LA in ’85, this is the band’s first album released one year later. Gilbert has since toned the histrionics down somewhat, and has become a really tasteful player who has released a whole whack of solo albums.

Opening full length track, Street Lethal, is a speed metal masterpiece. Full on double kicks all the way through, unreal guitar playing, and wailing vocals. Into The Night is more restrained with a realistic groove and a great riff, and yes, lots of guitar. Blowin’ Up The Radio is back to speed territory, and again, killer riff, over the top vocals, and yes…GUITAR!!! Hotter Than Fire is a pretty standard track and is the weakest track on Side 1. Side closer, On The Loose, is a hard rock monster of a track that you can head bang to without serious injury.

Over to 2 we go with the awesome pounding Loud And Clear. Fast chugga riff and more over the top everything. Y.R.O is next and stands for Yngwie Rip Off as the riff is VERY similar to Black Star by the mad Sweed himself. Dangerous Love is up next with more chuggas, and again, lots of everything to the max. Getaway is a change of pace and is an anthem type rocker with the sing-a-long chorus. Album closer, Rock It, is a Hot For Teacher fast shuffle type of track, and again, has more of everything – especially Paul Gilbert. It’s no coincidence that is a Shrapnel release, as Varney wanted a band that could showcase Gilbert’s unreal talents. This one is for guitar aficionados and old school metal heads.

8.5/10 from The Grooveman.

GIRL – Sheer Greed

I’m experimenting with a change of scenery today as you have had the same view for over 200 reviews – I think it’s time for a change.

Formed in ’79, in primetime NWOBHM, Girl stood out like a sore thumb with their glam and lipstick, compared to everyone else who were all leather and bullet belts. I caught them supporting UFO and they were fantastic, unfortunately, all the metal lovers hated them and they only lasted for 2 great albums (and 1 not so). Fronted by Phil Lewis (who would later go one to front LA Guns) and also Phil Collen on guitar (who would join Def Leppard after Pete Willis was kicked out of the band). Anyway, this is a full on glam rock spectacular that rocks hard in all the right places.

Opening track, Hollywood Tease, is a cracking opener and riffs really hard. It is one of two tracks to reference the good old U-S-of-A, where Phil would spend the rest of his life. The Things You Say is a glam rock power pop tour de force. Lovely Lorraine is something the New York Dolls would be proud of. Strawberries is a total sleaze fest of a track – with Lewis doing his best Marc Bolan impression. Little Miss Ann carries on the sleaze, and Doctor Doctor is a killer ending to Side 1 (it has nothing to do with the UFO track of the same name).

Side 2 starts with a cover of Do You Love Me by Kiss, and it’s a straight up cover with a sleazier edge. Take Me Dancing has an awesome opening riff and is one of the stand out tracks on the album. The punked and rocked up What’s Up follows – this track speeds along and is my personal favourite on the album. Perhaps the strangest track on the album is the reggae tinged Passing Clouds. I love this track, but this is what the metal heads hated about them (other than the image). My Number was the single that was put out before the album. It got me to go out and by the album as it is all attitude and sleaze. Heartbreak America closes out the album, and like Def Leppard with Hello America, they were not hiding their influences and where their sights were set. A great production from the late Chris Tsangarides makes this a really food album.

8/10 from The Grooveman.


Out of the three original albums, if I’m pushed, I would say this is my favourite as the songs are more consistent – although it’s a hard decision as I love the first one as well. In true Ronnie fashion, he had doubts about the band and would call it a day with them after the next record – just like he did with Montrose. A shame, as I thought the band were flying.

This album is all about Ronnie and vocalist Dave Pattison. It is noticeable that the keyboards are featuring more, and would be very prominent indeed on the next record. The first two tracks are stone cold classics: Mean Streak and Four Horseman rock hard with great riffs, killer vocals, and some really tasty guitar. Dirty City is next and I think it was released as a single – its the most commercial track so far. With a nice atmospheric intro it leads into a very 80’s keyboard main riff mirrored by the guitar. Close out track to Side 1 is Voyager, which has a very laid back groove, awesome melody, and superb vocals from Davey.

Keyboards again start off Side 2 with the intro to Something In The Air, which is a cover of the Thunderclap Newman tune – its a great take on the original. Cat On A Leash is an awesome tune with Ronnie dropping fills in every spare gap he can. This track is definitely all about Ronnie, and the middle section with the dropped down groove is just sublime. Skin And Bone is a slower paced track with a heavy riff and Davey sings is ass off. Mayday is the last track and closes out the record. Its the fastest song on the album, and once again, it’s the Davey and Ronnie show. A great album and would sit well in any rocker’s collection.

9/10 from The Grooveman.

SAD CAFE – Fanx Ta-Ra

Back before they became soft rock chart toppers (with hits such as Every Day Hurts and My Oh My), they were quite a rockin’ outfit with an eye firmly on America. Ironically, this album wasn’t released in America until much later. In their softer moments Steely Dan spring to mind, but with a British rock edge. This is their first album and I originally bought it when it first came out in ’77 after seeing them on the Whistle Test, and I still enjoy giving it a spin today. Hailing from Manchester, vocalist Paul Young would later go on to sing with Mike And The Mechanics until his untimely death in 2000.

Tracks such as Hungry Eyes and Sail On show the soft rock pathway they would take later with subsequent albums, but overall this album does rock. Opening track, Babylon, has a great melody and guitar from Ashley Mulford. Side 1 is given over to the more softer side of the band, whereas Side 2 could be described as Prog – especially with the weird intro to The Further Adventures Of Mad Alan, which then leads into the killer title track, Fanx Ta-Ra. With its heavy sounding opening, to the Santana style middle section, this is a great track. My other favourite moment on the record is Clumbidextrous, which is an instrumental – apart from a brief spoken section at the beginning. This track would have made it onto any Prog band’s album of the period.

Not a bad album at all and would set them on the road for success – although is does sound a bit dated.

7.5/10 from The Grooveman.

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