This version of Dokken were around since ’81, but there were various incarnations plying around LA maybe 6 years before that. George Lynch had been playing the same backyard parties and clubs as the Van Halen’s were playing in the mid seventies. So that could explain why this album appeared on an unknown French pop label called Carrere Records – they were probably desperate for a deal at that point. For those paying attention, Saxon were also on that label, and yes, I know Electra in the US put out the album. It was super rock producer, Michael Waggoner, that sort of discovered them while they were playing in Germany, and that’s why his name is on here as producer.
I really like this record as the songs are great, and I’m not sure they wrote much better and consistently after this album. Opening track, Breakin’ The Chains, is a great song and shows what a tight band they were. In The Middle is another great tune with a good melody and chorus. Felony is the first killer song on the album with a great riff, and some serious playing from George. I Can’t See You has an almost pop feel to the song – a sort of cross between The Cars and Journey. Live To Rock (Rock To Live) is the last track on Side 1, and is fast paced rocker with some Lynch pyrotechnic guitar as an intro and a great melody, but it’s all about the guitar.
Side 2 kicks off with Nightrider, which is a trademark Dokken tune. In fact they would revisit this type of song many times in their career. Seven Thunders is a great tune with a superb melody and harmonies – and more George, lots more George! The almost Judas Priest riff to Young Girls is awesome, and with a pounding groove that drives it along which makes it one of the best tracks on the album. Stick To Your Guns has a nice bass guitar intro from Juan Croucier – before he upped and left to join Ratt. For some reason I always get this version mixed up with the Crudley Mott version, not sure why, as I like this version a lot more. Last track, Paris Is Burning, was recorded live in Berlin in’ 82, and is another killer track with plenty of George for all you guitar nuts. A friend of mine named their band Paris after this track and this was their theme song.
For a first album this is on the money, and I have a soft spot for it.
8.5/10 from The Grooveman.