For anyone who does not know, Bulb is the alter ego of Periphery main-man, Misha Mansoor. I have been a fan of Bulb since the file sharing days pre-Periphery, and it’s been amazing to watch the growth of himself and the band. A lot of the earlier ideas ended up being in the first two Periphery albums. Everything here has either been in demo format, or they didn’t have homes stylistically.
I am so blown away by this record – it is just outstanding. This is an album of extremes, both in sound and in style. The opening track, Unleash The Pwnies Redux, is so extreme in rhythm, groove, and riffage your jaw hits the floor in wonderment. Echo Teuffel is a complete extreme to the previous track, as the ambient sounds and chill groove are sublime – and Bulb’s playing is so good. Breeze Redux is an old demo, but the riffing and djentyness is epic, and again, a killer solo – I love the feel and groove. Maximum rhythm and djent for the start of the next track, Parabolica. The low end to this song is nuts – no one plays these grooves like Bulb. Two Brothers sounds as though it’s a backing track to a game or a manga cartoon – a very dramatic piece. Far To High is a collaboration between Misha and his brother Axel, and is the only track with vocals. It’s the most laid back piece on the album with a killer solo. Fuf Redux is another a really old Bulb piece and a personal favourite. It’s so heavy and insane with the grooves and extreme djentyness – especially towards the end. Did I say this was EPIC??? Press Enter Redux is another older piece with fat riffage, and an ambient under groove with some really melodic leads. Upload Apathy is the first electronic piece that opens with a piano and feels sort of Kraftwerk with attitude. Download Happiness is electronic piece number two, and I love the vibe and feel of it. Last track, And Yet, This Man Will Soar, is very atmospheric and orchestral – it would not be amiss on a film score. Quite a diverse album that delivers to the max and highly recommended.
9.5/10 from The Grooveman.