Day: July 17, 2021


This is the album that brought them back together, after Glen threw his toys away when Joe wouldn’t make BCC his priority band. Would you if you had a super successful solo career? Nope, and neither would I! Kevin Shirley always said he would have loved to have produced Zeppelin, and I guess this is as close as he will get. Except, this is Zeppelin with keyboards and a better singer.

Opening track, Collide, is Joe trying his best Jimmy Page impression – even the tone is super close – and Jason’s drum sound is so close to his dad’s. Over My Head feels like a song that would be on a Hughes solo album with a slight funky undertone. The Last Song For My Resting Place starts with Jo Bo on lead vocal, and sounds as though it’s his solo album. I’m not sure why there is a Keyboardist to be honest, as they just use him as strings substitute in the most part. Sway shows this perfectly, again, we have that big rock sound with the funky undertone – and the keys seem to be an after thought. Sons Of Apollo is next and that’s how you use Derek Sherinian.

Now, you may be getting the impression that I don’t like this album. But that’s wrong – I do – it’s just that I think this project may have run it’s course. I don’t think they have an identity of their own, and they just sound as though they are paying homage to what’s gone before. However, Glenn is an unbelievable vocalist, and Joe is a killer guitarist, and both Jason and Derek are at the top of their games also. They could have mixed the old with the new and come up with something of their own. The production is great and delivers that stripped back old late seventies classic rock sound that Shirley is so good at.

I think the first album is the best and this gets 8/10 from The Grooveman.


Unless you live in the US, its hard to describe just how big Billy boy was in the early eighties. It wasn’t just the MTV crowd that lapped him up, but Squier’s track, The Big Beat, was one of the most sampled drum grooves in rap music. Billy actually wanted Queen’s Brian May produce the album, but he was too busy so he got Queen’s producer at the time, Mack, to do it instead. It was probably the best decision for young Billy’s career as this album went through the roof.

I think five singles were taken from this album. The Stroke was played everywhere and catapulted young Billy into mega star status. It’s a good song, but album opener In The Dark is the better tune as it has everything that a pop rock anthem should have. A great melody, big sing-a-long chorus, and simple catchy music. In fact, this is the perfect pop rock album, it’s very commercial to keep the pop kids happy, and yet rockin’ enough to keep the rockers groovin’. Lonely Is The Night is the albums heaviest moment as the song shifts though the gears, until the big Led Zep moment towards the end. In fact, Side 2 is the better side, even though it has the least popular songs, but IMHO it rocks harder.

This is a really good album and gets the thumbs up from me.

9/10 from The Grooveman.