Kansas are America’s finest Prog export, and purveyors of the finest melodies and grooves – it’s just that the rest of the world need to catch up on that fact. It’s hard to describe just how big the band are over this side of the pond with multi platinum albums a go go. Having got together in ’73, this is the band’s 4th album released in ’76 – and what an album it is.
First track in and it’s the band’s biggest track ever with Carry On My Wayward Son, and it doesn’t get much better than that. I think everyone will agree it’s an amazing song. The band basically revolves around the talents of multi instrumentalist and vocalist Steve Walsh, and Kerry Livgren. The Prog starts in earnest with The Wall, and other than the vocals, it sounds very British with nods to all the usual Prog influences. Why’s in My Mind is great tune with a superb melody and killer guitar. I know Cary On is an undeniable classic, but I do love Magnum Opus, a typical Prog epic in 6 parts that sees the band stretching out to cover all of their musical influences – a superb piece. I love the dual vocals of Walsh and violinist Robbie Steinhart, they sound almost medieval at times.
I still find it hard to believe that this band came out of the US as they don’t sound like any other US band, and their musical roots are firmly British.
9/10 from The Grooveman.