It was a big surprise when the band decided to play at the newly refurbed El Mocambo in October last year, and to record the damn thing was the icing on the cake. The band shone brightly for three albums – and then that was it. Those three albums make up the majority of the tracks played here. Apparently only 300 copies were pressed up, and I know some of them were signed.
We Got The Night opens things nicely and you instantly recognize what a great melodic rock band they are. Stand Up shows the quirky side of the band with the odd riff and groove, as well as the rap spoken vocal by Andy Curran – who is in complete contrast to the vocal talents of Carl Dixon. First Time For Everything is up next and was released as a single – it shows the more mellow side of the band. Wrong Side Of Town from Friction is next up and was probably the best song from that record.
I love the first two records. My four favourite tracks are all aired here: Hey Operator, which I do believe was their first ever single, the amazing Fallen Angel which could my favourite track ever by the band, and the two best tracks from the first album, a rockin’ version of Devils Deck, and the epic Monkey Bars. I’m not sure if they are back together full time or if this was a trip down nostalgia lane, but I’m glad they recorded this for posterity.
9/10 from The Grooveman.