This is the second Invasion album, and would also be the last. After Vinnie was removed from Kiss after basically revitalizing their career with two great records in Creatures Of The Night and Lick It Up, he wasted no time in putting together this killer band. After this band folded, vocalist Mark Slaughter, and bassist Dana Strum, would go on to form Slaughter. There’s no denying it, Vinnie is a killer guitar player. Unfortunately, he is also a bit of a weird guy who disappeared off the face of the earth after this band folded.
Anyway, onto the tunes. The album starts with Ashes To Ashes, a great tune and was way better than anything his previous employers were doing – it was a big F-U to Gene and Paul. Next up is Dirty Rhythm, a pretty straightforward rocker with slaughter doing his best Robert Plant impression, and some great playing from Vinnie. Love Kills follows and was a hit single in the US, it’s a semi ballad and not a bad tune with great harmonies. Naughty Naughty is next, putting the dodgy suspect lyrics to one side, it’s a glam rock anthem complete with big sing-a-long chorus and over the top Vinnie solo. Burn is next up and starts with Vinnie doing his best race car impression on the guitar, and a serious big scream from Slaughter – probably the best song so far.
Apart from a weird backwards message on the run out, it’s over to Side 2 we go with Let Freedom Rock – it’s glam rock at its finest. Big chorus, big vocal, and big everything basically – with extra helpings of Vinnie where he shreds his ass off. That Time Of Year and it’s the dreaded power ballad you’ve all been waiting for. Well, at least it has a bit of balls and some cool chord changes. Heavy Pettin’ is next up and has a very Kiss type riff. It’s a pretty straight up stomp rocker and Vinnie again rips a killer solo. It’s back to ballad-o-rama with Ecstasy, and it’s my least favourite track on the record. At least it’s a return to hair metal heaven with Deeper And Deeper, some nice key changes and some cool melodies drive this song along. Final track of the album is Breakout. I’m a firm believer in going out with a bang on albums, and this track does exactly that. It’s the heaviest track on the album and a great ending.
I really like this album and its got a great production to boot.
8.5/10 from The Grooveman.