Well I guess it had to happen sometime…I don’t remember acquiring this record at all! It must have been lumped in with a batch that I bought. Anyhoo, here’s what I we know.
This was Rhinoceros’ first album released in 1969, and they were a band that was put together by Electra Records. Not sure if this is classed as a psych record or not, as there are elements to that genre in Monkee Man, which has a very jam-band vibe to it. Then again, tracks like Top Of The Ladder are pure RnB with a very laid back feel. Sugar Foot Rag is almost in chicken picking territory for the whole of the 37 seconds it lasts. You really have to wonder what was Electra’s brief to the band when they put them together – as the music really is all over the map – as Side 1 closer has an almost Free feel to it.
I’m having a good guess in saying they were probably stoned when they went into the studio, as the beginning to Side 2 with the farm animal impressions is weird. The only song that is mildly entertaining is the last track, Back Door. The most amazing thing is that after this they were asked to record another album?!
If anyone is missing this from their collection and they want it then hit me up.
4/10 from The Grooveman.