Now before we get started, I will own up to avoiding acoustic albums like the plague as I always viewed them as a bit of a cop out and more often than not it’s not the way the music was meant to be presented. So what made me cave you wonder? Well I am a big fan of Ms. Morrissette’s voice, and with the clarity of the recording, and the power of that voice with just a pair of acoustic guitars as backing, I could not resist.
What you get here is her amazing break up album Jagged Little Pill played in its entirety, although not in order, with 4 other tracks that fit in with the theme. There are no overdubs here its a warts-n-all recording, which makes it a superb document. There are lots of little comments that obviously make her feel more comfortable, as well as the crowd, and add some fun to the occasion. Also she makes some cool little lyric changes to make things more current.
I won’t dissect this song by song as it think it distracts from the beauty of the whole piece. Each song feels as though she is telling you individually about the trails and tribulations of her life at the time, as it sounds as though she is in the room with you. You can feel the pain and the anguish!!! I love all of this and if you can track one down, get it! This is a RSD Black Friday release and was limited to 7000 copies worldwide.
9/10 from The Grooveman.