Yet another artist that had passed me by until about ten years ago. Sometimes you are so in touch with a scene so closely that you go though life with blinkers on and there is so much that you let go. J.J. Cale being a case in point.
Naturally, was – I do believe – Cale’s first album release back in ’72. What would be described as Americana today, it has a very rootsy feel as it incorporates blues, country, jazz, and rock. A lot of songs you will recognize as they have been covered by a who’s-who of artists, namely Magnolia, and After Midnight, which became more famous as a Clapton song. Cale has a very smokey, husky tone to his voice, and a very simple clean bluesy tone to his playing – which suits the songs perfectly.
Sadly, Cale is no longer with as he passed away in 2013. A very enjoyable and relaxing record recommended to any fans of Americana.
7/10 from The Grooveman.