Ok, so I’ll admit to being a sucker for these early eighties slapping bass heavy grooves dance/rock crossover bands, and Fashion are just that. Now I know for a brief period of the time, in the UK in ’82, they were quite trendy. With the initial release of this album, there was a bonus album of remixes of all the songs which I really loved.
First track in Move On sums up this album perfectly with a slap bass driven groove that makes you want to bounce around the kitchen while burning your dinner. Love Shadow is a slow funk kind of vibe. Streetplayer- Mechanik was their big showcase with the extended dance groove. If this was recorded today it would be done by a DJ and a computer, but all credit to Fashion as this is all created by humans.
You can tell by their names they were trying to be edgy, de Harriss, Mulligan, dik Davis – I’m trying hard not to cry with laughing. Anyhoo, the groove continues with Dessed to Kill and the disappointing You Only Left You Picture. Side 2 is a bit of a let down as it has more of that New Romantic vibe, which is totally not my thing. It was typical of the period, as the record companies at the time thought it was really cool to load up the 1st side of an album with all the good songs.
This gets a 7/10 for Side 1 and 3/10 for Side 2 from The Grooveman.