This is Winter’s last album that was released while he was still alive. The album after this, Step Back, was released after his death. What they both have in common is they are both all full of new renditions of blues standards and produced by his guitarist Paul Nelson.
Each track has a special guest, either guitar players, harp players or keyboard players, to give each track and the whole album a boost. Although by no means a Winter classic, each song is done with respect to the originals. We don’t stray too far from the path here.
The two stand out tracks for me are Bright Lights Big City, which features Susan Tedeschi on vocals and guitar, and Dust My Broom which showcases the amazing talents of Derek Trucks.
Nothing too outstanding here, and unless you are a Winter fan then there would be no reason to add this or your collection.
5/10 from The Grooveman.