If anyone deserved a taste of success it’s Huey Lewis. He’d been banging around for a few years without anyone paying much notice, then boom, this album was unleashed on the world. It’s quite sad to see that he’s not doing too great at the moment and has had to give up performing.

I don’t care who you are or what your tastes are, this is a superb record. Equal parts old school RnB and rock n roll – I love it. I’ve had this album since it came out in one version or another, and I’ve only just realized that Heart And Soul was written by Chapman and Chinn – the same team that gave Sweet, Suzy Quattro and a million others their hits in the seventies. If you ever want a blueprint on how to do the perfect pop rock album, then pull this one out of the collection.

10/10 from The Grooveman.