When Yngwie left Steeler, he was asked to join Graham Bonnet’s new project after he was removed from Rainbow. Mr. Bonnet was no fool and he could see having a young hotshot like Yngwie would boost the profile of the band – so this album is all about Yngwie.

Right from the beginning in the opening track, Too Young To Die, Too Drunk To Live, it’s all guitar – very impressive guitar as well! This is just before Yngwie the ego would be unleashed on the world. Bonnet’s voice stands up really well and there are no overdubs that I’m aware of. Most of the tracks are from No Parole From Rock n Roll, apart from two Rainbow tunes: Since You’ve Been Gone, and All Night Long, the biggest and most well known songs of Bonnet’s career. There are also two guitar pieces for Yngwie to flex his muscles: a classical piece in Coming Bach, and a shred fest called Evil Eye which is very good.

This one is for guitar nuts mostly, and the curious.

8.5/10 from The Grooveman.