Day: December 20, 2022

WIG WAM – Never Say Die

The band have been around since 2001, and in 2005 they were Norway’s entry in the Eurovision Song Contest, they placed ninth with the song In My Dreams. The band split up in 2014 but got back together in 2019, and recorded this album in 2021 with a more harder edged sound. However, fate would step in with the tv show Peacemaker which featured the band’s song Do You Wanna Taste It as the opening theme. Wig Wam are made for America, if only someone would tag them on to a hard rock tour, they would explode.

This album has an harder edge to the tunes, as per main-man Trond Holter’s solo album. The production is absolutely huge and sounds amazing. I love this album to bits and every song is killer with that right amount of crunch added to the melody.

Hypnotized is up there with my favourite melodic rock tunes ever. Killer hook and chorus, and the riff is huge , the middle section will floor you. Epic stuff! Tell me one rock band today that is writing kick ass memorable songs with that hook and chorus you are humming for days as good as these guys. NO ONE IS! Shadows Of Eternity will have you singing, hands-in-the-air, and going mental while your wife thinks you need putting in an institution.

They have a new album coming out in the new year and if it’s anywhere near as good as this it will be epic. Go and buy this now!

10/10 from The Grooveman.

CIRCLES – The Stories We Are Told VOL.1

I think this is Circles’ fourth release, preceded by two full lengths albums and an EP. This release is a six tracker and is volume 1 of what presumably is the first in a series. I love this band and the progression they have undertaken in a relative short space of time. The songs this time are shorter as there are six taken up just over 23 minutes. Hell, we are nearly in full album Van Halen territory here (Diver Down if you were wondering).

The first song Wonder is freakin’ awesome! There is almost a funky vibe to the lyrical melody and the rhythm and groove are just stunning, with the right amount of crunch and riggings to drive it along. Bliss follows and boom another slammin’ killer track. I love the choppy groove and riff, and the heavy is brought in big time around the hook. Sleepwalking just brings the heavy from the get go with that lovely low end boom. The vocals are so good and the melody and hook are awesome.

Echo is a complete surprise because you think you are listening to a chart song. It has a great electro beginning, and the funky drum pattern is killer. The middle section just slays and fits so well with the vocal melody. Superb ending as well! Dig follows with a dirty, heavy, groove-laden opening, and the vocals are superb. The EP closes out with Reckoning, the longest track here and I just don’t want it to end. A stunning EP and a welcome return from a killer band. Looking forward to Vol 2.

10/10 from The Grooveman.