Warner Brothers must have thought they had struck gold when they came upon the Bulletboys. Having had success with Van Halen they must have thought they had found VH2 when they saw these guys. Hell, they even brought in Ted Templeman to weave his magic over the band. Marq Torien is a ringer for Dave and had all the stage moves to match, and the rest of the band looked the part, the vibe was slightly different however. Now, that doesn’t mean this is a bad album, on the contrary, it’s a classic of late eighties hair band grooves. In fact, it’s a freakin’ superb album all the way through and they would not make anything better.
Hard As A Rock blasts its way into your ears with a kick ass riff and groove. That cheeky little ditty Smooth Up In Ya follows and is a sleazy dirty beast of a tune. Owed To Joe is another sleaze fest with Torien singing his ass off. Shoot The Preacher Down is pure VH, with that double kick groove and Ice Cream Man intro. For The Love Of Money is a cover of the O’Jays tune and sounds nothing like the original.
Side 2 opens up with glam anthem, Kissin Kitty. Pure LA sleaze n’ roll. Hell On My Heels is slowed down a tad and the riff is simple and huge. Crank Me Up is a turbo charged rocker that flies by. Badlands follows and is another sleazed up groover and I love the tempo change at the end. We close things out with F#9 and my favourite track on the album. A quirky little tune with a nice and dirty riff that I would say is a trademark Bulletboys tune. A great fun album.
10/10 from The Grooveman.