Month: April 2021 (Page 4 of 11)


These guys were up against it right from the get go as they were being touted as the next Van Halen – and we all know boys and girls that that just isn’t happening. I get the similarities for sure, definitely with the image of the Dave Lee Roth wannabe in vocalist Marq Torien, but musically they were a lot different with a much simpler approach. I remember going to Nottingham Rock City to see them when they first came over, and they were good, but they only played for 48 minutes and see ya.

Hard As Rock gets things under way nicely – a good rockin’ tune and very blues based in structure. The not very subtle, Smooth Up In Ya, is next and is a typical hair rock anthem of the time. Owed To Joe follows and has that LA sleazy rock n roll vibe to it, and Torien shows what a powerful voice he has. Shoot The Preacher Down arrives and this is where they try to be VH – its very Hot For Teacher, but not a bad tune nonetheless. For The Love Of Money closes out Side 1 and is the weakest song so far.

Side 2 starts with the sleazy groove of Kissin Kitty, and you should be runnin’ to the wardrobe to unearth the spandex by now. The intro to Hell On My Heels reminds me of Kiss and it’s my least favourite track on the album. Crank Me Up is the out and out rocker on the album and is a great track. This should loosen up the dandruff. The super sleazy riff of Badlands is the intro to the penultimate track on the album, and is another great track – especially as they change the groove near the end. F#9 closes out the album and is the ultimate sleaze out rocker, lyrically as well as musically.

I know they are still going today, but they have fallen way down the food chain. The first three albums were the only ones that mattered, in fact, this is the best and the other two were very patchy. If someone was to release a best of, it would be killer, but they could never quite make a killer album. This is the one that came closest.

9/10 from The Grooveman.

JUDAS PRIEST – British Steel

Priest had been knocking on the door of the Premier League of Bands for two albums before this one was released, asthey were just missing that certain song to join the big leagues. With British Steel everything came together for them, as two non metal tunes, Breaking The Law, and Living After Midnight, would give the band the success they deserved. When you mention the term heavy metal, Priest are the first band to top your list. The twin guitar attack of KK and Glen, the solid rhythm section that holds that groove down, and the ultimate metal Front Man with Rob Halford – what a perfect band for this type of metal.

So we go straight into Rapid Fire, no intro, just boom!!! Keeping it simple and catchy with the riffs and the unforgettable chorus. Lesson number 1 in the “how to do metal” textbook. The anthemic, Metal Gods, is next – it was a crowd pleaser then, and it still is today. Breaking The Law follows and what can I say that hasn’t been said already? Yes, it’s cheesy as hell but it’s also a very memorable song – all the best ones are. Priest are the kings of the simple riff, and Grinder is the perfect example, along with United – another single from the album. With it’s football chant chorus – it was a sure fire winner. You Don’t Have To Be Old To Be Wise is the somewhat forgotten track on the album/ Its surrounded by classics, and the band very rarely play it live, which is a shame as I really like it. Mega single number 2 is up next with Living After Midnight, it shows just how good Priest were at writing catchy pop songs. The oddest track on the album, The Rage, is next with its almost reggae beginning – seems a little out of place until the fat riff kicks in. The last track, Steeler, finishes the album on a high as it’s one of my favourite Priest tunes. It has a killer riff and groove, and when you get to the middle and end sections with the epic chugga riff and wild solo – I’m sold!

They were on a roll when they released this. The two previous albums, Killing Machine, Stained Class, and the three after this one Point Of Entry, Screaming For Vengeance and Defenders Of The Faith were platinum albums. This loses half a mark for United.

9.5/10 from The Grooveman.


The world sadly lost a songwriting genius in 2016 with the death of Leon. He has recorded and written for some of the rock world’s most famous people . From Clapton, to Willie Nelson, to Joe Cocker, and Elton John. Leon was looked on as the king of his craft by all who worked with him.

The was his first solo album released on his own label in 1970. His piano playing style had that barroom New Orleans gospel feel which was a very unusual style. The list of guests on this album is like reading an edition of Who’s Who. To name a few: George Harrison and Ringo, Mick Jagger and Charlie Watts, and Clapton and Steve Winwood. The whole album has that New Orleans sound, especially tracks like I Put A Spell On you with that fast blues shuffle, and Shoot Out On The Plantation. My favourite track is Pisces Apple Lady, as that is what I regard as Leon at his best. This style was copied by everyone. Listen to this and then listen to early Elton John and Billy Joel and you’ll see where their inspiration came from. This is the 2017 Audio Fidelity reissue and sounds great. RIP Leon!!

8/10 from The Grooveman.

ROBIN TROWER – Bridge Of Sighs

A little landmark review today as it’s the 200th since I started back in the Autumn. I wanted to do something to relieve the negativity of the pandemic and to focus myself on something positive. It’s turned out to be a fun little project to do and thanks to all that have read my reviews or like what records I feature. I usually rely on the Discogs randomizer for picking what I review, but today is slightly different as I have chosen one of my Top 5 favourite albums. This is definitely a candidate for a desert island disc for me.

Robin Trower is now 76 years old, but he was a 17 year old fresh faced young chap back in ’62 in a band called The Paramounts. In this band he recruited fellow school chum Gary Brooker. The band split up in ’66 and Trower would form a short lived combo called The Jam, whilst Brooker went on to form Procul Harum. Trower would then join up with Procul Harum after the single A Whiter Shade Of Pale was released, and would be with them until ’71. Before setting out on his successful solo career, he formed a short lived project called Jude where he would meet James Dewar. Trower would take Dewar, and drummer Reg Isidore, to complete his solo band. This is the line up that would record the first two albums – this being the second. The perfect power trio set up. It’s no coincidence that some of the most successful bands in history have had this configuration. As I have mentioned in previous reviews, the three piece allows the music to breath so there is space in the mix for all the instruments without distorting and diluting the sound.

First track in and it’s the often covered classic, The Day Of The Eagle. Right from the first chord, every second of this song is pure gold. The riff, the groove, and the vocal are so in tune with each other it’s poetry on record. The slowed down end section with that soulful solo is incredible. Second track, Bridge Of Sighs, sends goosebumps down your spine with that intro. It’s the sound Robin would become famous for. This is a slow song with incredible guitar, and James Dewar’s vocals are just sublime. The beautiful, In This Place, follows and the production is just fantastic. Again Dewar’s vocals are like honey dripping from a spoon – just beautiful. Add Robin’s tasteful guitar and this song is one of the hidden gems of the album. Side 1 closer is another killer tune, The Fool And Me. A very Hendrix funked-up riff and groove drive this song along. The guitar alone should have you reaching for your wallet.

Side 2 begins (as did Side 1) with one his most well known songs, Too Rolling Stoned. This time it’s the driving bass that grabs you before the funky wah wah guitar beats you to submission. Again, the end groove of the song where the pace slows down and then the long groovy solo fades out is just epic. A change of pace and groove follow with About To Begin. A really slow bluesy song all about the feel and tone. Lady Love starts with a cool riff and a funky bass line, and is really great melodic rock song with fantastic chorus, hook, and the standard ripping Trower solo. All too soon and the last track, A Little Bit Of Sympathy, rolls in and it’s another classic track. That opening riff and vocal just grab you before the song explodes into a sea of groove and guitar. The song has the funk deep within its grooves, especially in the breakdown. Robin sure hit payday with this record.

In case you were in any doubt I love every second of this masterpiece and EVERY HOME SHOULD HAVE ONE!!!

10,000/10 from The Grooveman.

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