They have been somewhat unfairly tagged as the Welsh Dream Theater, but they are definitely more than that. Formed back in 2007, this is their 5th full length album and an absolute monster it is too. Loosely linked to previous album Virus, this is a concept album about a doctor who has an evil interest in a patient of his.
After the twisted keyboard intro of Clear, we go straight into the Prog metal goodness that is The Good Doctor. The verse and musical interplay is fantastic. The slap bass groove is killer, and even though occupying the same musical landscape as Dream Theater, there is a lot more to Haken. In fact, they have more in common with Periphery than DT – even the Riph’s bass player, Nolly Getgood, is the producer here. The amazing Puzzle Box is next, and it’s one of the best tunes that Haken have done. There is so much going on to keep the listener engaged for an eternity. Everything sounds huge, but it doesn’t drown out anything, and has a crystal clear production. Veil starts with a beautiful piano intro before a soft vocal harmony fits over the top, and then BOOM we are into extreme Prog metal grooviness. Another outstanding track. Nil By Mouth follows with extreme heaviness to start things off, then we get a ripping riff and groove and stop start djentyness. All this and not even a sniff of a vocal. Host is the penultimate track and is a very laid back atmospheric piece. A really great tune to separate the grooves. The last track, A Cell Divides, arrives all too quickly, and man, what an opening – before we settle into some off time grooves.
A great album by a great young band. I have noticed people who follow me on Instagram, and who I have followed back, seem to like what I call “metal and rock by numbers”. It’s seems to be more about the likes than the music. May I suggest that you step out of your little eighties time capsule and try something new and expand your horizons?! Give this a try! If all your brain is used to is 4/4 then your groove muscle will thank you for this.
9.5/10 from The Grooveman.