What do you get if you cross Megadeth with any NWOBHM band and some funky vibes? The answer is San Francisco groove metallers, Mordred. Well, that’s how they sound on this their first album from ’89. It’s interesting to see how influences are taken up by younger bands, and how it works itself into their music. I think out of the three Mordred albums, this one is the best, as it is true to where they are at musically. Whereas what came after, they were deemed to be chasing trends.
Even though the release date is ’89, the old school thrash spirit is alive and well. Stand out tracks are the excellent Every Day’s A Holiday which grooves hard, Spellbound which reminds me of Anthrax, Sever And Splice which could be Metallica (until the vocals kick in), and the final track Numb which is very Maiden in places. Still quite and enjoyable record after all these years.
7/10 from The Grooveman.