A Canadian band, from Ottawa, on a British record label called Heavy Metal America. Identity crisis or what?! I admit to not knowing a whole bunch on these guys as they had disappeared after this album was released in ’84. Style wise, I would describe them as glam/pop/rock. Somebody obviously saw the image of the band and thought they would be a great band – let’s sign them. The music is ok and they have some great ideas, they just needed a mentor as a producer and not just a knob twiddler to help them get their ideas on wax.
Songs like Feel The Fire and Need You Next To Me are good and would have been great with a little nurturing. In The Night does suffer from flat production, it needed dirtying up to give it some oomph! Only After Dark is quite an interesting song as they were willing to try a few different things, and Shadows Of You should be loud as hell and in your face, but it’s way too back in the mix. Anyway, it’s not a bad album, but with a little bit of love it could have been a whole lot better.
6.5/10 from The Grooveman.