A band that didn’t do a whole bunch other than the two albums they recorded, this is album two.
A very confusing opening, I’m not sure if I’m listening to Queen with the overblown intro. When things settle down however, a more medieval vibe takes over mixed with a more classic rock groove. Vocalist Jutta has a great set of pipes and I’m sure she has had some sort of operatic training. The music is more slow and dramatic than your usual metal fare ,with big chords and pounding beats. However, when they do speed it up a notch the band seem to come into their own and my favourite track Pioneer On The Storm is a perfect example. A nice riff and a four four groove does the trick. The only other song that grabs me is Achiles Heel, where again they groove it up a notch and the hook and chorus are quite radio friendly.
I can see why they called it quits after this as they have a somewhat niche sound.
6.5/10 from The Grooveman.