Not to be confused with the LA band of the same name, these guys originate from Pennsylvania and other than an early demo release, this is the only album they put out, in ’85. Strangely, it was released on the French label, Axe Killer under license from the band themselves. Now, I’m all for self financing and self production as the band keep the control themselves, but the one thing they should give control over to is a decent producer. This record does suffer a bit because of that.

The band come over as a cross between Queensryche and Dokken and the majority of the songs are not bad at all. Now, I usually love a good guitar solo but on a few of the tunes they don’t seem to fit the songs they are in and this is where a producer would put that straight. Listen to opener War Is Hell for proof. It’s a decent enough song with a nice riff and groove, but the solo is just not happening for me. Guitarist, Gary Hammer is obviously a decent player as the intro’s, acoustic pieces, and main riffs are all good, it’s just the solo composition that’s off. With all that said, my fave tune is Final Solution. Nice riff and groove and to the point.

6/10 from The Grooveman.