I have been waiting forever to get this on vinyl and finally it is here, in custard coloured vinyl. Why custard is anyone’s guess.
Now, when I wrote a review of Sons Of Anarchy’s album I mentioned maybe someone was pissed off at the end of Sons Of Apollo with Portnoy rejoining Dream Theater. Well, that someone was Bumblefoot and his comments about the end of that band upon the release of this album made it clear he was not too happy with MP. I personally don’t care about that too much as, I’m a glad MP is back in DT and I’m stoked this band exists, especially with Dino Jelusick on vocals as he is the best rock vocalist around.
I’m not sure if this will be anything other than a project as there doesn’t seem to be any tour dates posted, but at least I can revel in the joys they have cooked up. This is a double album but we have the dreaded etched fourth side with tunes on the other three. In The Name Of War rips open the album and it’s a Prog metal delight, very reminiscent of a DT track that grooves and riffs hard with Dino giving it the beans. Over Again follows and this one pushes Dino all the way vocally and that riff is superb.
The Decision slows the pace down somewhat and that bass line is killer. Superb vocal with great harmonies. I’m a big fan of Derek Sherinian as I love his style and his presence is huge on all tracks and the intro to Crawl is awesome. This is my favourite tune. Killer riff, the groove is so good, and Dino just kills it. Find My Way Back will tell you everything you need to know as to why Dino is considered the best around. Just a brilliant vocal. Such power and control!
Crucified is a lot similar to Crawl with the intro. It’s very hectic with a full power vocal. Keeper of The Gate keeps up the quality with more of a classic rock groove to the melody this time. Hypernova 158 is a juiced instrumental piece with a beast of a groove. The album closes out with the title track Insanium that’s split into three parts. Now, it wouldn’t be progressive unless we had a track split into multiple parts. This one doesn’t connect with me as much as the other songs and I think the reason is because it reminds me of so many other tunes by other bands.
So, that’s it and a thoroughly enjoyable album it is. Dino’s performance is awesome and he is a gift to music.
9/10 from The Grooveman.