When Mo-Fi announced that they were issuing the first six Van Halen albums on their super hi-def ultrasonic format I was intrigued to hear what they would sound like, but at $125 US each album I thought I would give them a miss. The first one appeared and my curiosity got the better of me and I splashed out and got one. Yep, it sounded incredible and that was my curiosity placated. Or so I thought!

When VH2 appeared a few weeks ago, like a moth to a flame I caved in and bought this one too. This was the one album of the original six that I listened to and I thought the pressing I had wasn’t up to scratch. The one I had was a tad muffled in places so I have always wanted to hear it with more clarity. There was a hi-def mix that came out a few years ago that sounded great, but it’s nowhere near this version. I can’t see this record ever sounding better in an analogue format.

I already adore this album and you can read my previous review. Just a stunning mix and pressing, it’s as though you are in the room with them. The stereo separation is so good and the clarity is incredible. I know it’s a lot of money, but if you love early VH as much as I do then this has to be a must have.

Here’s to trying to ignore the Mo- Fi Women And Children First when it comes out.

1,000/10 from The Grooveman.