This little beast of an album by these German hard rockers that was released in 1990 might have just passed you by. That’s because this type of music was about as popular as a fart in a space suit at the time, and everyone’s attention was elsewhere.
The production is top notch. It features a very huge guitar sound and the vocals are high in the mix. It’s cliche time with “if this was released five or six years earlier,” they could have been huge. This is a fun rockin’ record as it ticks all the boxes in the crowd pleasing section. Big fat riff? Check. Massive guitar sound? Check. Huge singalong chorus? Check. A groove to make you bang that head? Check. It’s all here, just a tad too late.
I think the track that sums this band up is opener Hungry For You. It’s just a basic hard rockin’ song that just puts a smile on your face. They can turn up the speed when necessary, as Knock Me Out can attest to. It rips along at a fair pace a la fellow Germans, Accept. My favourite tune however, is Take Me Home. Another simple but effective groover that has 80’s rock night party time written all over it.
I love this album just for the fun it brings me.
8.5/10 from The Grooveman.