I should have a category in my collection for “records I bought by just looking at the cove,” because this album is definitely one of those. It was released in ’88 and was (I believe) a private press by the band. I think they are from California, or at least they were there when this came out. But, this is just a six track EP of the glam rock variety.
The picture on the front of record of the band would say Bon Jovi, but in reality it’s more of a Poison or Tuff vibe going down. It’s okay and it’s not gonna change the world but it’s not gonna make them famous either. And, it didn’t. They split up not too long after the release.
My favourite tune is Crazy mainly due to the killer guitar sound and a great rhythm section. There are a million of these one and they’re gone rock albums and Toy Roz were just one of them.
7/10 from The Grooveman.