This is good, old fashioned, kick-ass heavy metal with a great swing and groove. To do it well, you need a killer front man and Ted Bullet is definitely that guy. I think the band released six studio albums, of which this is number 2, and it came out in 1990.

Now, this is definitely an album with two differing halves. Side 1 is loaded with absolute bangers, a superb half of kick ass music. Side 2 however, has a couple of great songs but there are also a couple of stinkers hidden away. I would buy this album for the track 42nd Street alone, as the riff and groove are huge and I love those little key changes. Yup, it’s a boogie but what a boogie it is! Hard Kind Of Woman and a very average cover of 25 or 6 to 4 loose points unfortunately.

Still, it’s still a killer record and it keeps on shaking my tree which is all that matters.

9/10 from The Grooveman.