Even though I was born in 1960, The Beatles had past me by. I did not become aware to their music around until 1970, by which time they were almost done. I hate early Beatles as it’s way too basic for my tastes, and I only own three albums, if which, this is one.
I’m a guitar lover, and the guitar playing is rudimentary at best, as the strengths of this band are all about song composition. I think by the time they had recorded this and Let It Be, they were done and they knew it themselves. They were a very lucky band, as Abbey Road studio was basically their playground which they could nearly come and go as they pleased. I firmly believe that if any band worth their salt were given the time that these guys had in the studio, that they would come up with something astonishing.
Anyhoo, I digress. This is my favourite Beatles album just for the fact it has Come Together on it. A great song that has been covered by every man and his dog (I really love Aerosmith’s version). Something is a beautiful love song – I wish I could have written something so romantic. Here Comes The Sun is another one of my favourite Beatles tunes that I love playing in the deep of winter.
There is no denying The Beatles influence on popular music and their contribution to rock n roll history, but they are not for everybody.
8/10 from The Grooveman.