Any KingsX fans here?

So, when KingsX had just launched the mega awesome Out Of The Silent Planet on the world, the band’s producer and mentor Sam Taylor had another band in a studio recording this record. This, my friends, is The Awful Truth.  

Now, before this album was even released, two of the members Monty Colvin and Alan Doss would be back in the studio recording The Galactic Cowboys debut album. So, The Awful Truth were done before they even started.

Most of these songs weren’t written by them however, as 6 of the 8 tracks were compositions by guitarist and vocalist David Von Ohlerkings. Strangely enough my two favourite tracks are both collaborations including Higher, which is just a superb song, and Drowning man. You can hear little things in the music that would become Galactic Cowboys trademarks such as the weird heavy riffing and the vocal melodies. Also, the lead guitar sound is very KingsX, and I guess Sam Taylor was trying to create this whole universe of sound.

This is a new Ltd edition reissue and I would highly recommend getting hold of a copy if you are remotely interested in the whole Adam Taylor sound.

8.5/10 from The Grooveman.