This is another one of those early nineties albums that disappeared not long after release. You used to pick them up for next to nothing in bargain bins everywhere but now it they go for over $300 a pop.

Steve Agueri is probably more famous for being Steve Perry’s stand in for Journey until he blew his voice. If you like really classy, well produced melodic rock albums then this has your name on it. Not a bad moment on the album. Wild On The Run, Chain Of Love, Sister Of Mercy, Somewhere She Waits, and World Inside You are all superb tunes, but my favourite is Crawling Back. I love the dynamics on this one with a slightly different groove and vibe.

Great band who briefly reunited and released an album Skyscraper in 2009. Definitely buy this one if you see a copy.

9/10 from The Grooveman.