This album on vinyl is one of the rarest hair metal albums out there, and if you actually come across a copy then it will set you back between $500-$600. Crazy eh? This is an unofficial copy and brings me nicely into the subject of counterfeit records. Now, bootleg live recordings have always been part of the scene as fans of bands want to hear live recordings from their heroes and it didn’t affect the companies too much. However, this sudden proliferation of counterfeit records is becoming out of control. Of course, if labels would do runs of these hard to find records then this problem would decrease, but I guess they don’t care because they want everyone to stream as it costs them jack.
This cost $60, and for that, you get a poorly printed cover and the labels on the records are mixed around the wrong way. Even the friggin’ counterfeiters can’t be arsed to do a good job. As far as it sounds, well it’s a very strong record. Hang On Lucy is a bonafide classic of the genre, plus the band are killer.
If you come across an OG, then snag it because you may never find it again. As for a counterfeit well…
9/10 for the music, 5/10 for the copy, from The Grooveman.