This is a RSD reissue of the 2002 release, with three quarters of what is considered the classic line up. Of course it has all turned into a bit of a farce with various versions of LA Guns on the circuit, which doesn’t do the fans any favours at all. Anyway, enough of that malarkey and what does this bad boy actually sound like?
Well, the short answer is not bad at all. When this band are on, boy are they on and with OK Let’s Roll they have delivered huge. It’s a kick ass beast of a tune with a riff and groove to die for that tells everyone they are more than the LA sleaze and grind boys that they would have you believe, and it’s definitely my favourite tune.
Of course there are the patented Sunset Strip anthems like Don’t Look At Me That Way, Hellraisers Ball, and Waking The Dead but they can also masquerade as a great power pop band with tunes like Revolution. They always throw in a punk/sleaze/glam blast and Psychopathic Eyes fills that void on this record.
A very enjoyable record.
8.5/10 from The Grooveman.