This is the first PC69 album that came out way back in ’89, and they have changed so much over the years. Now, they are a killer hard rock band, writing some killer tunes that stick in your brain.
This album is a borderline glam sleaze record with that harder edge, courtesy of the guitar of Alfie Koffler. Apparently they had a reputation of being “dicks” back in the day and there is a Freak Kitchen tune called Jerks which is all about these guys. Anyhoo, what’s the album like, I hear you ask?
Well, it ain’t half bad. It ranges from the awesome Rolling Down A Thunder and Welcome The Night, to the meh with Close Your Eyes (ballad). However, my favourite track is Partymaker, where the band give it their best Van Halen impression. A high speed riff and guitar fest with double kicks all the way. Parasite brings the sleazey vibe that I mentioned earlier, any late 80’s LA band would have been proud of this one.
I do prefer the PC69 with Dave Readman on vocals, but this is a fun album nonetheless.
8/10 from The Grooveman.