Tag: vinyl community (Page 47 of 471)

ROXY BLUE – Want Some?

Released in ’92, right in the middle of grungeorama, this album disappeared without a trace. In fact, Roxy Blue split up just after its release.

I say this way too often, but if this was released five years earlier things would have been a whole lot different. I appreciate that they managed to get a deal with Geffen who put this out, but what was the game plan for these guys? It doesn’t make a whole bunch of sense to me but a lot of bands got the one and you’re done deal at that time.

Roxy Blue are from Nashville and you can hear that little bit of country in the songs, but overall this is one kick ass rockin’ album. A great one two punch to open the album with Too Hot To Handle and Sister Sister, both killer made for radio rock anthems. Times Are Changin’ is very “Every Rose Has Its Thorn” but with more balls. It’s So Easy is my favourite song. It’s got a killer riff with that Guns N’ Roses swagger, and a hint of funk.

They have taken influences from all their peers of the time I guess, as Rob The Cradle has huge Van Halen vibes right from the guitar solo intro. That country vibe I mentioned comes right to the front with their cover of The Who’s Squeez Box. Talk Of The Town was a close second for favourite tune as the GnR vibes and killer groove really shakes my tree. Rock A Bye Bye is pedal to the metal full on sleaze o rama. Great tune!

Luv On Me would have made a great single if anybody would have bothered. The one true ballad on the album is Nobody Knows, and I’ll let them have that one. Back to the rock with Loves Got A Hold On Me. The title screams ballad but nope, this is a four to floor rocker with a killer busy riff and groove. The album closes out with Main Attraction, another track with heavy GnR vibes and it grooves along at a great pace.

So, there we have it, a great band with a great record that because of the time it was released and all the journos trying to be hip and following the grunge train, it just disappeared from sight.

9/10 from The Grooveman.


Now, this is the Queensryche that I really liked. The harder metallic edge suited them perfectly, and the concept “proggy” stuff that came a little later left me cold. In the UK at least, they were called the US version of Iron Maiden and you can definitely hear the similarities, especially in the vocal style. Tate’s voice is incredible with so much power and range.

This album came out in ’83 and every band wanted to be a metal band, so your metal credentials had to be there and Queensryche had the full compliment. The pounding bass and drums with heavy riffs a plenty and soaring vocals combined make this EP a whole bunch of fun. It’s hard to pick a fave out of the four tracks, I’m torn between two. Queen Of The Reich is such a killer introduction to the band and is what you call a statement tune, but as I get older The Lady Wore Black is the one I go to first. It has a lot more going on musically and a very dramatic piece.

They sound nothing like this today so if you want to taste The Reich with metal in their veins, then this is for you.

8/10 from The Grooveman.

RATT – S/T (1999)

“Wait a minute, this Ratt album has never been released on vinyl!” I hear you cry. And you’d be right, as this is one of the ever increasing amount of counterfeits flooding the market at the moment. The sound quality, other than being very quiet, is as good as you would expect from a rip off a CD. The cover however, is a bit of a mish mash. The front is correct but the back cover and the inner sleeve are taken from earlier Ratt albums.

Musically, I like this album. The band are only a four piece and they have moved away from that glitz and the glam sound. The album opens up with two great songs in Over The Edge and Live For Today, both of which would have made killer singles, and not what you think Ratt would do at all. Other songs that shake my tree are Breakout with its cool psyche-guitar intro, my favourite track Luv Sick with a killer riff and slight funk groove, and the killer riff and groove of So Good So Fine.

If you don’t know Ratt other than their golden years then this will be a pleasant surprise.

8/10 from The Grooveman.

PINK FLOYD – Animals 2018 remix

I have reviewed the original version of this album before, so if you read that then you will know how I rate this record. However, I thought this 2018 remix version was worthy of a mention also, as it breaths new life into an often overlooked album in Pink Floyd’s catalog. James Guthrie has done a brilliant job. Sonically, the album sounds amazing and little things have been brought more into the mix. Sheep is still my favourite track and it sounds superb here.

Still a great album.

9/10 from The Grooveman.

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