This is one of those resurrected from the dead albums. The band came into being in about ’89 and this album (I think) was only ever released on cassette. For this reissue, remix, and remaster Stryper drummer Robert Sweet was drafted in to redo the drum tracks and give the tunes the balls they needed.
Now, this is a Christian metal album, and before you go running to the hills and dismissing it, I will say give it a chance because it’s rather good. Vocalist Kieth Miles has a great set of pipes and guitarist Bill Menchen is a riff lord. None of the songs are much over four minutesm they are short and to the point. It’s the more aggressive tracks that really do it for me. Baptized In Blood and Blind Faith are rifftastic monsters with the vocal to match. Close To Deliverance gets the favourite track award however, because the chugga riff is super simple, fast, and groovy as hell. In fact, this whole album is a heavy riff and groove fest.
I’m not sure how many of these were pressed, but I’m guessing not a lot so if you come across one, snag it up because it’s one big chunk fest.
8.5/10 from The Grooveman.