Tag: vinyl community (Page 21 of 469)

NASTY SAVAGE – Jeopardy Room

This is a brand new 2024 release from these Florida-based thrash metallers. They originally appeared around ’85 with their self-titled debut album, then they released a couple more albums up to ’89 , and then disappeared for 25 years until they put out Psycho Psycho, then after another break of 20 years this monster was unleashed.

It’s not too often these days that you come across a brand new old school thrash release as good as this one. The only original member is Nasty Ronnie on vocals, but that doesn’t matter a whole bunch because the quality is high octane and there is no let up until the bitter end. The triggers in the kick drum must be smoking as drummer Jim Coker seems to be doing a permanent 100m sprint.

It’s like being back in 84/85 as the vibe is all there. Southern Fried Homicide is just as good as anything Testament, Overkill, or Exodus were blasting out – maximum thrash riifage is on point. Tough one to pick a fave tune as there are a few contenders, but I’m going with I’m going with Aztec Eleagance. That cool dark eerie atmospheric intro is so cool and you just know that what comes next is gonna slay.

Well done Nasty Savage for releasing a great metal album with maximum groove and awesome riffing.

9/10 from The Grooveman.

CASANDRA’S CROSSING – Garden Of Earthly Delights

Now, I’m a huge fan of Mr. Lynch. I love his style and tone, but I’ll be the first to admit that he maybe does too much and spreads himself a bit thin. Although, when he is teamed up with something special he always delivers. Like with the Dirty Shirley project, where he joined up with the incredible Dino Jelusick. This paring with the equally incredible Casandra Carson, is very similar in feel and groove, indeed her style and Dino’s are very close.

I love this album. I think this is George at his best. Opening track Stranger is a high octane romp with both giving it the beans. Great hook and chorus and the groove is killer. Impatient could be my favourite song, the main hook, melody, and the middle section are so cool, and it’s not your cookie cutter rock song either. Closer To Heaven sees Casandra really powering out the notes in a more aor vibe and the middle eight is very reminiscent of old Dokken. Mind Eraser has a modern rock feel and groove with the main D-tuned riff, it also has a very heavy sounding vocal but the main hook is very cool. Side 1 closes out with Devastating Times, a slower main groove and melody. This song shows how much control Casandra has with that voice, it goes from quiet to loud and is coupled with an epic George solo. This is a strong end to side 1.

A nice southern feel to the opening riff of Waltzing Nites. This is the most commercial sounding song yet. Just Business again, has a very modern sound, a bit like Miles Kennedy. Ring Me Around has a very similar vibe and such a great hook and chorus. Run For Your Life is the fastest track on the record with both guitar and drums driving this baby along at a great lick, and that rougher tone to Casandra’s voice sounds great. A very old school 70’s sounding groove greets the listener with the opening of Wicked Woman. I love the change in vibe. Kneel Before You closes out the album with a return to that modern rock vibe.  

This is a really strong record. However, as with a lot of Frontier’s releases, there is an issue. This pressing is so quiet I had to crank it way above my normal settings to get the power that this record derives. That doesn’t take away from how much I love this record. Give it a spin I’m sure you’ll like it too.

9/10 from The Grooveman.

KRUX – III He Who Sleeps Amongst The Stars

I guess Krux could be classed as something of a supergroup. Put together by Candlemass member, Leif Edling after the band split, and joined by the most awesome Opeth and Talisman axe-weilder, Fredrik Akesson and one of my favourite vocalists, Mats Levin.

Now, this is classed as doom metal apparently because Candlemass were of that ilk, and even their web page says Kruxdoom, but I think this is a whole different beast. Yep, there are slower groove moments like Hades Assembly, but with Mat’s killer harmonizing vocals and Fredrik’s monster playing it becomes a different epic piece of heavy music altogether.

I usually find the doom genre quite tiresome and repetitive but this record is very epic and dramatic sounding. There is obviously a love of early Sabbath because the riffs and groove on The Death Farm and the wonderfully titled Prince Azaar And The Invisible Pagoda pay homage. I just love the already mentioned The Hades Assembly, it’s my favourite piece, such a stunning track.

If you like killer guitar players and heavy dramatic epices, then you really need to get this.

9/10 from The Grooveman.

N.Y. FURY – I Want It All

Yet another blast from the past band who never quite made it back in the day. This collection came out in 2022 but the songs were laid down originally between ’87 and ’90. It seems to be a thriving business for small boutique labels to dig up some lost recordings from bands that only their local following will have heard of and then hyping them as the best unheard band ever.

The line up varies from a three piece on the first three tracks and then it expands to a five piece for the rest of the tracks. That tells a story in itself because the early recordings have a bunch of melody, but what drives them is the harder edge of just a three piece where the lead guitar playing from Gary Ryan is really good.

My favourite song is Danger Face, a great track with a big hook and great melody with added special sauce guitar. The whole album has that demo vibe about it and it’s crying out for a producer to guide them, especially with some of the vocal parts because the basic music is really good in parts.

6.5/10 from The Grooveman.

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