You don’t hear of many glam/sleaze bands from Toronto, but that’s exactly where Smashed Gladys started. Managed for while by none other than Gene Simmons, there were high hopes for their female fronted sometimes Kiss soundalikes.
Sally Cato’s raspy throaty delivery is perfect for this dirty sleazy rock ‘n roll. You would swear that the song 17 Goin’ On Crazy was a Kiss song. Everything about it screams Kiss, the melody, the main hook, and even the groove. Revol Teen is a perfect mash up of old school Kiss and AC/DC. Simple riff and groove, but it hits the spot. Sadly, Sally Cato passed away in 2020 but at least she had her 15 minutes.
Definitely a fun party rockin’ record.
7.5/10 from The Grooveman.