In a planet far far away there live a man named Sneap who would go on to be a killer producer and a stand in axeman, for Judas Priest nonetheless.
This is Sabbat’s last outing as after this record they disbanded, mainly due to the fact it got hammered by the critics and not too many people bought it. I think everyone had become accustomed to seeing Martin Walkyier warbling away out front, but for this album he left to form Skyclad and was replaced by Richie Desmond.
The band are trying to do something a bit different for the time but it does sound disjointed at times. I think this is what I like about it, the quirkiness is endearing. Favourite track is the first track on Side 2, The Voice Of Time. There are so many groove and time changes amidst a fairly epic vocal performance that it stands out for me.
True it’s not the best album in the world, but I do have a weird fondness it.
6.5/10 from The Grooveman.