Album number two from Sweden’s answer to the Faces. Well, not really, but you get a rough idea what their inspirations are.
That barroom, whiskey-soaked, sleazy rock n’ roll sound is where Reptile Smile ply their trade. Of course, with the band being Swedish, it’s done very well indeed and this is a really enjoyable rock n’ roll romp. We are not reinventing the wheel here, just adding a little sparkle to an already dyed in the wool format.
You will need your singing shoes on when playing this one as there are some killer sing along anthems. Hey Mama, Wild Life, In My Face (where Pete Shapiro does his best Steven Tyler impression), and my favourite Get Down are all banging tunes and would make great singles. Get Down has that Aerosmith swagger with a hint of AC /DC that just swings in all the right places.
A highly enjoyable record and having not played it in a long while, I forgot how much fun it was.
8/10 from The Grooveman.