Apparently there are quite a few bands called Vice, and until I bought this record I hadn’t heard of any of them.
The band formed in Germany in ’88, this album was released the same year. Although they are playing the same sounds as Bon Jovi and any other hair band of that era, they have that unique European sound to their music. Now, whether that’s down to the phrasing of vocalist Jan Ghiantine, I’ll let you decide.
The song that I heard first was Red Light Night, that crunchy riff and uptempo groove sounded great to my ears and I was curious to hear more. My favourite tune is Side 2 opener, Made For Pleasure. A heavier sounding track verging on metal with a Priest-style riff and groove, and guitarist Chris Limburg is showing off his chops.
I’m sure someone will correct me, but it seems that Mr. Limburg is the only member of this line up to keep going after Vice split up, because he joined Bonfire amongst others.
So overall, it’s not a bad album at all and quite entertaining.
7/10 from The Grooveman.