Tag: primal fear (Page 2 of 2)

PRIMAL FEAR – Unbreakable

Do Primal Fear make bad albums? The easy answer is NO! You get exactly what you think is coming: a full on power metal experience with huge fat riffs and searing vocals.

This is a rare commodity in modern metal. Every metal band wants a logo that you can’t even read (never mind pronounce), with tunes that are just a wall of noise with no dynamics.

This is the ninth studio album by the band, and the first with guitar whizz Alex Beyrodt. It sounds huge, with an epic production by the band’s own Matt Sinner. After the classical opening intro, Strike kicks in with a fat monster riff and double kicks a pounding. Give Em Hell has a killer chorus – boy, do these guys know how to write a metal tune. Bad Guys Wear Black is an anthem for all metal heads everywhere – Judas Priest have forgotten how to write tracks like this and Beyrodt’s solo is really nice. And There Was Silence really rips along at a killer pace, and even when the song is this fast, the hook and the melody are front and centre. Metal Nation is a hands in the air anthem that you just know will be killer live. Where Angels Die is a big production number with acoustic into and a huge epic classical vibe.

You get the picture right? This is a great album, and if you are lover of anthemic power metal then you may already own this – if not, then what are you waiting for?

10/10 from The Grooveman.

PRIMAL FEAR – 16.6 (Before The Devil Knows You’re Dead)

Now for me, the whole Euro Metal scene has become very stagnant. Every band sounds the same, and it’s hard to tell the bands apart, but these guys are a step above. Early on in Primal Fear’s career, they were labelled as the German Judas Priest, which is quite ironic, as Ralf Scheepers auditioned for the singer in Judas Priest when Halford split with the band. Scheepers was in Gamma Ray, and he teamed up with Matt Sinner (from the band Sinner), to form Primal Fear.

This is the band’s eighth studio album, and produced by the band and Matt Sinner. In fact, the production on this album is the best I have heard them sound. Six Times Dead sounds absolutely huge. The guitar sound is vast and deep, and the vocal is epic. There are so many good moments on this album, so I will just highlight a few. 5.0/Torn has a killer riff and groove, and Scheepers’ vocals just flow over the track. The very heavy sounding, Soar, is killer with the electronic start. Night After Night is more JP than JP themselves, and I still find it incredible that Priest never hired Ralph. The Exorcist is pure pounding metal and has a huge guitar sound. Even the bonus track, Scream, is a killer tune.

Primal Fear don’t make bad records and this is no exception.

9/10 from The Grooveman.

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