Tag: nasty idols

Nasty Idols – Gigolos On Parade

This is Nasty Idols’ first album, which was released in ’89. It is slightly different sounding to the glam sleaze sound of their later albums, this one is more of a hair band/melodic rock vibe. Strangely enough, the band themselves hate this album as they said it was not representative of who they are. It’s nowhere near as bad as they make out. Although Andy Pierce’s vocal does fit the sleaze thing better and after this album they fired guitarist Jonnie Wee as he’s the one with the hard rockin’ credentials.

There are a couple of songs that I really like on this album, namely the opener Gimme What I Want (which is my favourite), it’s a great up tempo rocker. I also like Shy China, another track with some groove to get the toe tappin’. There are also some pure AOR moments like She’s On Fire and Lonely which any fan of the genre would lap up.

It’s definitely an album and a band looking for an identity which they would find after this.

7/10 from The Grooveman.

NASTY IDOLS – Cruel Intention

Album number two of six for these Swedish glamsters. They initially called it quits in ’95 but reappeared in 2006 and have released three albums since then. I don’t think there will be more though because vocalist Andy Pierce died in 2013.

It’s got a bit more balls and crunch than Faster Pussycat, who Andy Pierce reminds me of. The album is filled with a lot of crunchy riffs and melody in the songs, and there is more variety in the material, ranging from blues to borderline metal and in Pete Espinoza they possess one killer guitar player.

Songs that should rock you are the excellent opening tune The Way Ya Walk with its killer riff, Cool Way Of Living with a more sleazy vibe, my personal favourite Alive N’ Kickin a great uptempo monster with a killer riff and groove, and running for a close second is Side 2 opener House Of Rock N’ Roll. When it’s done well like this, then I quite like the whole sleaze/glam vibe.

A totally fun record that should be played very loud on your way to the next gig.

8.5/10 from The Grooveman.