Moray Pringle was a new guitarist of interest for me after I heard a couple of clips over on his bandcamp page. I was super stoked to find out that Sheet Happens were distributing this album in Canada. I love the pressings they do so this was a no brainer for me. I think Moray is from London, or that is his base anyway.

Quite a list of peeps who play on this record: Anup Sastry ex of Skyharbor and Monuments is on drums, Olly Steele also ex of Monuments plays rhythm, Joe Calderone is on bass, and Bumblefoot makes an appearance on Scotty Scotty Scotty. Now, I love instrumental guitar music so when a player I haven’t heard before releases a record as good as this it feels like Christmas. Before you run for the hills, this is  a very accessible record. It’s full of killer grooves and beats so Moray can lay some serious playing over the top.

I tend to lean towards tunes that are slightly off the curve for albums like this and there are a few that stick out. Scotty Scotty Scotty is such a joy, veering from a Latin to a reggae groove with Moray and Bumblefoot ripping it up with some stellar playing. Very cool track. Jaywalk has a killer groove and feels at times as though they are all playing in different time. I also love the clean tone. My favourite however is Cowboy, a delightful pier with hints of blues and jazz and just a tad of funk. Moray is giving it the beans on this one showing what a killer player he is, even with some tasty slide.

Great first album!! More please!!

9/10 from The Grooveman.