If any of you were wondering what Mrs. Portnoy, Mrs. Petrucci, and Mrs. Myung were doing in a previous life, then you need to look no further. Marlene and Rena provide the twin guitar attack, and Marten’s plays the bass in this, the band’s only release on Mercenary Records back in ’88. For any who may be interested, Rena still plays in a band called Judas Priestess.

So what is it like, I hear you cry? Well its not bad at all if I’m honest. The influences are what was around at the time – Anthrax and Overkill definitely spring to mind, but with a tad more melody in the tunes. The riffs are all there, and Bettina France has one hell of a set of pipes – boy can she hit the high notes! For an album that was recorded in just 8 days, this is really good. The production is a bit flat, but I’m surprised they never recorded a follow up. The best songs are the thrashier speedier tunes like the title track, which is killer, and I also love Nostradamus. Not a bad attempt.

8/10 from The Grooveman.