Tag: little angels


For about five years Scarborough’s finest, Little Angels, were riding high in the UK, and all in the face of the grunge onslaught. This the their second album, and it is their finest moment.

It’s not just a melodic rock album, there is a lot going on here to expand the basic rock sound and the differing grooves within the songs. There are so many different styles to get your teeth into from the opening blues of Back Door Man, the killer funk of Boneyard, the country/americana vibes of Young Gods, and the Elton John feel of I Ain’t Gonna Cry; and that’s just on Side 1.

I truly believe that this album was way ahead of the game and if they appeared with Young Gods now, the band would be heralded as geniuses. My favourite track is the short but sweet Love Is A Gun. A great uptempo rocker with a great honky tonk piano just below the surface and that harmony and chorus are soooo cool.

Great album and it deserves way more credit.

9/10 from The Grooveman.

LITTLE ANGELS – Don’t Pray For Me

For a while Little Angels were the bright new hopes of the UK rock scene, but as with all decent rock bands around this time they were a victim of Seattle and the anti melody brigade. Fronted by the vocal talents of one Toby Jepson, who I think is now in a band called Wayward Sons, and on the drums is Michael Lee who would go on to drum with Robert Plant and who sadly is no longer with us.

This is the band’s first album, it was released upon the world in ’89 and is their finest work. I managed to see them only once and that was when they were supporting Van Halen. Ironically, if this album came out now it would fit in really well with what is relevant in the rock scene right now.

We start with a bang with the kick ass groove of Do You Wanna Riot. A great opening tune with a killer riff and beat. Kick Hard follows and there is a distinct retro vibe to this one. Favourite track time next with Big Bad World. The intro is very Hot For Teacher by VH with some great guitar. The tempo drives along hard and if this doesn’t get you moving, then nothing will. Huge Born In The USA vibes from next track Kicking Up Daisy, a track that feels as though it was written in home town USA instead of Scarborough UK. Those Brucie vibes continue into Side 1 closer and title track Don’t Pray For Me.

Broken Wings Of Angel opens up Side 2 and its power ballad time with the big album showstopper. The switch is flicked and the rock returns with Bitter & Twisted, a track that is straight out of NWOBHM ten years earlier. Great tune! Promises follows and it is straight out of Zeppelin 4. When I Get Out Of Here is a Really cool track with an early seventies, up tempo, glam vibe. The album closes out with No Solution, another track with a distinctive American feel.

Could things have been different if they appeared say five years earlier? I guess I say that about a lot of bands, but these guys had that little bit of something special.

8.5/10 from The Grooveman.