Appearing out of nowhere in ’89, although being tagged with all the hair bands around at the time, Law And Order’s sound was anything but. Coming across as more of a modern take on that classic Aerosmith sound, but when grunge hit they were thrown to one side like the rest of the 80’s crowd. They were probably ahead of the curve really, as that whole retro thing is hot news right now.
Opener We Don’t See God is a beast of a tune and you feel that Aero vibe right from the get go. Dawg follows and has a great hook and chorus with a hint of barroom sleaze thrown in. Your Sister Does is next up and the vibe and groove slow somewhat and vocalist Shane reminds me of Eddie Vedder on this one (of all the people). It’s favourite track time next with Say You Love Me. Killer slide opening and that whole dirty rock n’ roll swagger and groove of this tune is awesome.
We are off to Zeppelin 4 territory next with I Think It’s Gonna Rain Today, and that acoustic sounds so familiar. Kick ass riff to open up with on Possession Of Control, a great uptempo groover. I love the opening vibe to No Love Lost with those killer blues licks and that driving bass underneath. The fast blast that is Needle And The Spoon closes out Side 1.
In The Shelter opens up Side 2 with more of that acoustic Zeppelin feel. Back to the riffs with next track Love Reality, a quick fire dirty rock n’ roll romp. Next up is Soul Inside which was released as a single. Layers of 12 strings give way to some nice riffage, and for some strange reason the band Yes pop into my head. Delta Prison Blues does what it says on the tin. An acoustic blues with some nice slide played underneath. Back to the dirty rock n’ roll swagger with Downtown Suicide, I love the chorus and hook on this one. We close out the album with Whiskey, it takes a while to get revved up but when it does this baby beasts its way to the end of the record.
Cool record!
8.5/10 from The Grooveman.