Now, I have mentioned before that the accusations that Krokus were just a poor man’s AC/DC were slightly misplaced. However, saying that, this album kicks off with a track that could grace any DC album and you wouldn’t know the difference.
Long Stick Goes Boom is a blatant rip but it’s one hell of a rockin’ tune that just gets that toe a tappin’ and the head a bobbin’. Bad Boys RagDolls carries on that groove seamlessly and is such a fun high energy groover that the DC’isms just don’t bother you that much, plus it’s my favourite track. This is how the whole album goes except for the cover of American Woman, which I don’t care if I ever hear again.
Hand on heart, this album is just a fun record to play – especially side 1. You can pick this up fairly cheap and it’s definitely money well spent.
8/10 from The Grooveman.