This is the German band’s first album released in ’89. Well, technically it’s their second album as they released an album in ’84, but they were called Steeltower back then. Following in the footsteps of fellow German outfits like Helloween and Running Wild, Heavens Gate offer up some great euro power metal. I mean, they all stole it from Judas Priest but each band added their own little twist.
I love old school metal like this, so it ticks all the boxes for me. Opening track, In Control is a full on power metal onslaught and it’s my favourite tune. Fast riffing and double kicks all the way. Turn It Down is a tribute to metal fans everywhere, “if you are made of metal, so raise your fist and yell,” I mean, even Manowar would be proud. Surrender turns the tempo back to Priest levels of riffage with a suitable anthemic chorus. Hot Fever closes out Side 1 and it’s a classic mid temp metal stomper.
Tyrants opens up the second side with a full double kick assault, and you have to keep checking the cover to make sure this is not some long lost Priest album. Path Of Glory takes the listener into battle in some medieval battlefield. Shadows is a slower plodder that builds and builds both with drama, volume, and power. The album closes out with a cover of the Joni Mitchell song This Flight Tonight, although I’m sure it’s the Nazareth version they have copied here.
Just a fun listen.
7.5/10 from The Grooveman.